Welcome to my new site

I’ve refreshed my site. It’s still a work in progress but I’ve decided to put my writing – old and new – front and centre.

What I’m aiming for is for this to be a live portfolio of what I do, showcasing my writing from news articles on a range of subjects, to deeper analytical pieces, to sports-game related fiction and some funnier stuff as well.

I’ll be publishing more content, whether that is linking to work elsewhere on the web, to news stories, material I’ve written but never published before, or other ideas I’ve yet to come up with.

Some links will take you elsewhere on the web – where you see brackets after a title, for example.

And if you have come here looking to hire me, then you can still contact me using the usual methods – I write, edit, proofread and a few more things beside – view my services here.

Thanks, and stay safe out there.

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