Writing Diary – 19th May

I have had a reasonably productive day. The first task was to get hold of a copy of the Grantham Journal to see for myself the article they had run on me. I like the headline and the general theme – that the Internet has made it possible for anybody to publish without having to outlay much cost.

Then it was off to the library to do the final bit of research on 1,309 Days Later and the last three reports of the 2007/08 season. Sadly, one was never submitted for the final match so there’s some work to do there, which I have been getting on with following Chelsea’s Champions League win.

If my book conveys half as much drama then I will have done well.

I also spent a bit of time updating the website with the header above and creating a bigger version for my Facebook page.

Here’s the report from the Journal:

Grantham Journal article on John Pennington(Local) fame at last!

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